Bayside Collaborative Family
Lawyers are always keen to support and collaborate with charities and
organisations to enhance our local community.
For several years, we have worked
alongside Family Life in Sandringham often referring our clients to the
services offered. For those that haven’t heard of Family life they are an
independent, innovative community organisation who are dedicated to working
with vulnerable families and communities.
Their mission is to enable children,
young people and families to thrive in caring communities with a belief that
every child has the right to grow up safely in the care of their families with
the support of a caring community. Who wouldn’t want to support such a mission
and belief?
Heartlinks is a social enterprise
business of Family Life providing relationship education and counselling
services in our Bayside area. Their focus is on supporting individuals and
families to build healthier relationships by offering professional support and
learning through relationship and communication seminars, workshops and
individual or family focused support.
Heartlinks are planning to run the following workshops
during August and September on either a Monday or Wednesday evening:
- Communicating with your Adolescent
- Post Separation Parenting
- Better Relationships for couples
- Successful Step Parenting and Blended families
In addition to the workshops, Heartlinks can also
support you through challenging times in your relationship by providing
counselling either individual or family focused support.
All workshops and Counselling sessions take place at
the Family Life offices in Sandringham.
For more information please read the information sheets in the links below or contact Heartlinks
(03) 8599 5488
Heartlinks Adolescent Workshop Flyer August 2017
Heartlinks Positive Parenting after Separation Flyer August 2017
Heartlinks Adolescent Workshop Flyer August 2017
Heartlinks Positive Parenting after Separation Flyer August 2017