Tuesday, 30 May 2017

So what is Mediation?


Mediation is a voluntary and confidential negotiation process in which a professionally trained mediator helps you and your partner to identify, address and resolve the issues surrounding separation and divorce.

How it works

Mediation takes place over one or more meetings.

The mediator facilitates discussion but does not provide any legal advice or make any decisions, which means that ultimately the solutions in mediation are created by you and your partner. The mediator remains neutral at all times, simply managing the process and assisting with the exchange of information and the development of the divorce settlement.

You are both free and encouraged to obtain legal advice about legal issues that arise during the course of the mediation.

Mediation has a high success rate. Lawyers can represent parties in the mediation process but often parties attend mediation without a lawyer. 

Visit our website for more information www.baysidecollaborative.com.au 

Wednesday, 17 May 2017

Is the Collaborative process right for me?

You may be asking yourself what the Collaborative Process is and whether it is right for you.

Collaborative Practice:-
  • Gives you direct control over outcomes.
  • Promotes consensus and agreement.
  • Minimises conflict.

With Collaborative Practice, the focus is on achieving solutions that meet your individual needs and requirements. The process is underpinned by a commitment to resolve issues by agreement without the involvement of the family law court or the threat of litigation.

The next step would be for you and your partner to each choose a Collaboratively Trained Lawyer. The lawyers need to work well together as this is one of the key factors in the success of the process. Your partner’s lawyer may suggest the names of other collaboratively trained lawyers they have worked with well in previous cases.
How it works
The discussion and negotiation in Collaborative Practice takes place through a series of meetings involving you and your partner and your collaboratively trained lawyers.

Other professionals including child specialists, financial experts and valuers can be brought into the process as required. These specialists work with you and your lawyers to identify, explore and resolve the concerns of both parties.

Collaborative practice requires complete, open, honest and transparent disclosure of all information. It’s very effective and has a success rate of about 95%. 

Visit our website for more information www.baysidecollaborative.com.au 

Thursday, 4 May 2017

Mother's Day

How will you be celebrating Mother’s day this year? 

Many families celebrate Mother’s Day by showing their appreciation for the achievements and efforts of their mothers and mother figures. Some mums get breakfast in bed, some flowers and chocolates, some mums simply seek peace and quiet.

Families are ever evolving and come in all shapes and sizes in today’s society. For separated families Mother’s Day can be a day as complicated as birthdays and Christmas requiring months of preparation and planning. 

It is helpful to plan ahead and to try and reach an agreement as to who the children should spend time with on important days of the year such as Mother’s Day. This avoids confrontation, anxiety and stress in the lead up to the occasion. It is important to remember during negotiations that it is not what is convenient to you that is important but what is in your child’s best interests.

At Bayside Collaborative we offer a range of ways to resolve issues between you and your spouse or partner. We will help you reach an agreement and formulate a parenting plan which will reduce conflict and acrimony between you. This in turn leads to better relationships and outcomes for all the family.

Don’t forget this year Mother’s day falls on the 14th May 2017.

Visit our website for more information www.baysidecollaborative.com.au